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When feeling depressed go for a nice italian pasta dish. You'll forget what you were down about at least for the time you're tasting that delicious mix of wheat and tomato.
Anonymous on 2017-10-02 at 11:33:42 EST.
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# eat your sadness away
Anonymous on 2017-10-09 at 18:13:50 EST.
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No, it%u2019s actually good advice. You probably need the sugar. Just don%u2019t eat an entire meal, only a chocolate bar or something.
Anonymous on 2017-10-24 at 20:38:39 EST.
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#2 you never need the sugar. sweets are good for sadness because they have make serotonin NOT the sugar. sugar is in fact not good for most.
Anonymous on 2017-10-28 at 06:03:42 EST.
Comments from the public:

#2 Pasta is scientifically proven to improve mood and that's because of the substances it has from wheat. Chocolate only helps if one's blood sugar is dropping low.So yeah, the op has the real advice.
Anonymous on 2017-10-28 at 06:04:41 EST.
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