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i know we have been through ups and downs, as friends and more, never reaching that "place" that i wish it would have. i have to be cruel to you in order to push you away. i can't be in this place with you anymore where i can't have more of you. i feel too deeply, and care too much. i wish i could erase the parts of my life that involve you, so that i may never have any regrets or sadness. i am now in search of a purposeless and shallow relationship, because i can never again care to the extent that i did for you. it's not your fault, it's mine. i trusted and had faith, and didn't have foresight. i stayed blind longer than i should have and let you take advantage of me, hoping that wasn't the case. oh well. i still love you, but i'm trying not to. letting pieces go every day. hopefully one day there will be nothing left. please stop talking to me. i can't take it anymore. it's mean.
Anonymous on 2014-11-09 at 13:29:05 EST.
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Have fun, aim high.
Anonymous on 2014-11-11 at 13:44:54 EST.
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