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Hello:) I just wanted to say that if you're having a bad day, having bad thoughts or just feeling down, I just want to say that it can be hard. But even the worst times get better. I've went through a lot and I know how hard it can be, but it really can get better! You just need to live life to the fullest and just think of everyone who will miss you. No matter what you think, everyone is beautiful and kind and everyone deserves the chance of life and a chance to be happy. If you're being bullied, remember that someday you will be ahead of them and no one will be able to hurt you one day. If you ever need someone to talk to, just go to those who you most trust. I wish you all the kindness and happiness in the world and I wish you the best in your life. Have a lovely day beauiful :)
Anonymous on 2014-11-09 at 15:35:49 EST.
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Thanks, Internet stranger. I hope you are taking your own advice like I am.
betweenthelines12 on 2016-02-16 at 07:35:28 EST.
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