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Hey, I found this site so that I could send you this without you knowing who I was. I go to your school and today I saw you hiding your arm. I also saw when you weren't hiding it. I don't know you as well as I'd like to, but I still want to say this. You are loved. You are cared for and you are special and you are perfect. You can dance (nice dance night performance by the way) and you get so passionate about things (your boyfriend sounds nice) and there's so much life in you. I don't want to see that life slowly drain away. Please, don't do It again. I don't want someone as kind as you suffering. Tell people about your problems, Your friends won't judge you. I know them too, they're genuine. Please tell somebody, get help. I'm sorry I had to do this the cowardly way. - a boy who notices you more then he should..
Anonymous on 2014-11-17 at 01:19:23 EST.
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this won't make any difference if she doesn't know that somebody actually cared about her. instead of telling her to get some help, why don't you be the one to help her?
Anonymous on 2014-12-18 at 03:22:00 EST.
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