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Hey, So i heard you had a bad day today, what happened? are you OK? If you wanna cry or scream or yell it's OK too, i won't judge i promise. Sometimes all we need is an outlet and that's fine, bottling it up and concealing it never deals with the problem it only adds to it and can create other problems later. Talk to someone , let someone know badly you're hurting let them help. I know it's hard the first step is always hard but it gets better, it will always get better.
Anonymous on 2014-12-01 at 02:00:37 EST.
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You smell like a used dildo.
Anonymous on 2014-12-01 at 12:32:56 EST.
Comments from the public:

And how do you know what that smelld like? Wanker.
Anonymous on 2014-12-01 at 14:09:06 EST.
Comments from the public:

thank you. it was a bad day
Anonymous on 2014-12-17 at 22:11:56 EST.
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