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Sometimes people just work how their meant to. Do you feel like 2 sides of the same coin yet? Your happy for them but desperate for your own self, celebrating their joy but longing to celebrate your own. Each arrival so wonderous, so marvellous and you can't believe that one little face could be so fascinating... And then sometimes you are a little silently angry during your wait, a little desperate when night time comes. You bargain, plead, beg & try to reason with yourself, or perhaps a silent God, a loved one in heaven maybe. And if this is you, hello. It's me too. And it's all going to be ok. Maybe our hearts desires will never be fulfilled, but it doesn't have to be a lonely ride. I don't know any of you on this struggle but I think of you all everyday. I look out from my windows when it's late into the night & I talk to the skies. And I wish success to us all.
Anonymous on 2015-07-22 at 18:32:21 EST.
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Anonymous on 2015-07-22 at 01:16:23 EST.
Comments from the public:

What in the world does that have to do with anything this person is asking now, yes truth is more stranger than fiction, but you really didn't answer any of this person question. So you failed !!
Anonymous on 2015-08-05 at 21:26:28 EST.
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