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You're suffering now which makes me suffer too. I can tell you that I hope you feel better. I can tell you that I'm praying for you. I can tell you that you're in my thoughts. But after I do these things, I can tell that what I say doesn't really matter. It doesn't help. You are still suffering. But guess what? You're surviving. You're making it through the pain. I admire you for that. Now I realize I can't really help, but I can cheer you on. I can be here waiting for you to need something for me. You're so strong that I doubt you ever will, but that is OK. That's why I love you.
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 15:46:11 EST.
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If you were suffering, you would be next to me, but you aren't. You just don't care enough, that's all.
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 17:51:59 EST.
Comments from the public:

you won't let me close to you
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 19:01:29 EST.
Comments from the public:

Not true. You won't let me get close to you.
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 19:49:44 EST.
Comments from the public:

But really, what are the chances you're him an I'm her (or him)? This is the issue.
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 19:52:59 EST.
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Are you M?
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 20:32:35 EST.
Comments from the public:

Nope, sorry.
Anonymous on 2015-10-06 at 21:05:17 EST.
Comments from the public:

This is hilary!
Anonymous on 2015-10-07 at 03:58:11 EST.
Comments from the public:

Is this J?
Anonymous on 2015-10-07 at 09:09:05 EST.
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