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Don't be a Mr. Angry.
Little Miss Curious on 2014-11-09 at 21:20:37 EST. Kindness #344
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Hello:) I just wanted to say that if you're having a bad day, having bad thoughts or just feeling down, I just want to say that it can be hard. But even the worst times get better. I've went through a lot and I know how hard it can be, but it really can get better! You just need to live life to the fullest and just think of everyone who will miss you. No matter what you think, everyone is beautiful and kind and everyone deserves the chance of life and a chance to be happy. If you're being bullied, remember that someday you will be ahead of them and no one will be able to hurt you one day. If you ever need someone to talk to, just go to those who you most trust. I wish you all the kindness and happiness in the world and I wish you the best in your life. Have a lovely day beauiful :)
Anonymous on 2014-11-09 at 15:35:49 EST. Kindness #343
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i know we have been through ups and downs, as friends and more, never reaching that "place" that i wish it would have. i have to be cruel to you in order to push you away. i can't be in this place with you anymore where i can't have more of you. i feel too deeply, and care too much. i wish i could erase the parts of my life that involve you, so that i may never have any regrets or sadness. i am now in search of a purposeless and shallow relationship, because i can never again care to the extent that i did for you. it's not your fault, it's mine. i trusted and had faith, and didn't have foresight. i stayed blind longer than i should have and let you take advantage of me, hoping that wasn't the case. oh well. i still love you, but i'm trying not to. letting pieces go every day. hopefully one day there will be nothing left. please stop talking to me. i can't take it anymore. it's mean.
Anonymous on 2014-11-09 at 13:29:05 EST. Kindness #342
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You always care about what you do, and people couldn't do it without you. Remember you are special and cared for. Don't think what you do, doesn't matter.
Anonymous on 2014-11-07 at 12:58:27 EST. Kindness #339
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If you are in a bad mood or thinking about harming yourself, you are not alone. There is always aomeone there for you even when you don't know it. God put you on this earth for a reason, so find it and embrace who you are.
Anonymous on 2014-11-06 at 18:23:16 EST. Kindness #338
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In a great mood today! I am also sucking on a lollipop. My bad.
Anonymous on 2014-11-05 at 17:58:43 EST. Kindness #337
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This is a kindness.
Whovian on 2014-11-05 at 14:43:20 EST. Kindness #336
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If you think you are falling out of love... love happens when YOU care for a person. Do the person a few favors. Love unconditionally and without selfishness.
Anonymous on 2014-11-05 at 13:14:23 EST. Kindness #334
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Some things I wish I could tell you, I just wanna run up to you and wrap my arms around your neck and tell you everything, but it doesn't work like that. Those things are better left unsaid, untold.
Anonymous on 2014-11-04 at 15:02:40 EST. Kindness #333
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Don't lie to yourself.
Anonymous on 2014-11-03 at 22:47:48 EST. Kindness #332
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